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It's our time to perpetuate her legacy.
Wilma Dykeman worked all her life to help solve society's tough problems – segregation, environmental degradation, mountain stereotypes, lack of women's rights – by clarifying the challenge, by influencing public opinion through the spoken and written word, and by bringing diverse peoples together to find solutions.
Why Your Support Matters
We will continue to produce workshops, events, and other programs and publications related to Wilma’s core values, and we will continue to introduce Wilma and her legacy to a younger generation and to newcomers to the Southern mountains. However, we depend on you and like-minded citizens to help make our educational offerings possible!  We have no paid employees or bricks-and-mortar, so almost all donations go directly to programs. Please continue your support for the Wilma Dykeman Legacy with a tax-deductible donation today.  Wilma would be glad you did!
Contributor Level
Named Program
Name on Legacy letterhead 
Tour of the Wilma Dykeman House and Grounds 
Paperback copy, signed by Wilma, of The Tall Woman or The Far Family 
20-minute Wilma Dykeman DVD 
Embossed 160-page journal in Wilma’s favorite color: purple 
Lanyard plus bumper sticker 
Lanyard or bumper sticker 
Lanyard or bumper sticker 
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