Social Justice

Wilma was a feminist who wrote under her maiden name, an early civil rights advocate in the South, and an Appalachian scholar and activist who lifted up mountain people. We work to dismantle racial and class inequities, which are strangling our country.
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Malcolm X speaks in Detroit - February 1965
"I was in a house last night that was bombed - my own."
Ethics or morals do not exist in a vacuum; they require our interaction with others. How should we relate to a family member, to a neighbor or a stranger, to whole segments of our society?  We must manage inevitable conflicts among value systems, somehow navigating them without sinking.  In order for Social Justice not to be a cliche, the concept must have relevance to our daily lives.  What is Social Justice?  How much should we care about it?  If we care about it, what are the priorities?  And how might anything be accomplished – really?
Important aspects of Social Justice
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