Social Justice
Ethics or morals do not exist in a vacuum; they require our interaction with others. How should we relate to a family member, to a neighbor or a stranger, to whole segments of our society? We must manage inevitable conflicts among value systems, somehow navigating them without sinking. In order for Social Justice not to be a cliche, the concept must have relevance to our daily lives. What is Social Justice? How much should we care about it? If we care about it, what are the priorities? And how might anything be accomplished – really?
Important aspects of Social Justice
- Native Americans in "the land of the free"
- Appalachian history and culture
- Latin Americans' search for sanctuary
- Accessibility of U.S. citizenship
- Urban - rural relations
- Teaching Black history
- Civil rights
- Reparations
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Social Justice
Urban Renewal's Impact on Asheville's Black Community
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Asheville Reparations Commission Part Two
Part Two: Mission and Work
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Music by MAR and Friends
May 18, 2024 at Black Wall Street in Asheville, North Carolina
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Part One: Background and Resolution
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Malcolm X speaks in Detroit - February 1965 - Part Two
Part Two
"The masses of our people still have bad housing, bad schooling, and inferior jobs..."
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Malcolm X speaks in Detroit - February 1965 - Part One
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"I was in a house last night that was bombed - my own."
Social Justice
Nappy Thoughts: What I Want My White Friends to Know about Racism and Our Friendship
What I Want My White Friends to Know about Racism and Our Friendship
"I'm going to share five tips. Five things I want to see my White friends do."
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Black In Asheville - a 2023 documentary film by Todd Gragg
A 2023 documentary film by Todd Gragg
Todd's simple question to himself, "Why aren't there more successful Black businessmen in Asheville, North Carolina?" led to his making this film.
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The Wilma Dykeman Legacy and Social Justice
"Our programs include supporting black artists, publishing black voices, and working in white space to educate about passive and active racism."
Social Justice
K-12 Education
Report from U.S. Government Accountability Office
A history of discriminatory practices has contributed to inequities in education, which are intertwined with disparities in wealth, income, & housing.
Social Justice
Children's Health and Safety
as reported by the U.S. Government Accountability Office
"It is difficult to know if the states' efforts to improve the quality of child care are working."
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Tribal and Native American Issues
as reported by the U.S. Government Accountability Office
"American Indians and Alaska Natives continue to rank near the bottom of all Americans in terms of health, education, and employment."
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Allen High School Reminiscence by Mary Othella Burnette
My days at Allen High School: 1948-1949
"And Allen was integrated in a way I had never seen before."
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The Allen School in Asheville, North Carolina, 1887-1974
An Extraordinary Educational Opportunity for African Americans
By 1972, more than three-quarters of Allen High School graduates attended four-year colleges.
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Shanita Jackson is the 2nd Wilma Dykeman Writer-in-Residence at UNCA
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Ashley McGhee Whittle - My Story: Part Three
Paul Brigmon as a Youth
And they went to every race they could get to in Asheville. Those were illegal races. That big long straightaway in front of where Sam's Club is now..
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Ashley McGhee Whittle: My Story - Part One
The Black Andersons
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John Vercher is the 1st Wilma Dykeman Writer-in-Residence at UNCA
Author will live for a month at Wilma's childhood home in Lynn Cove just north of Asheville, NC
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Rob Thomas - My Story - Part Five
Part Five
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Rob Thomas: My Story - Part Four
Part Four
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Rob Thomas - My Story - Part Three
Part Three
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Mary Othella Burnette
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Darin Waters on Wilma Dykeman and Neither Black Nor White - Part One
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Hillbilly – a 2018 documentary film
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Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks - Part Three
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Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks - Part Two
1964 speech on “The American Dream” at Drew University, Madison NJ
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Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks – Part One
1964 speech on “The American Dream” at Drew University, Madison NJ
On February 5, 1964, Drew University proudly hosted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a convocation speaker.
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Immigration - 1946 film from Encyclopedia Britannica Films
This post-World War II video is worth watching to remind us how we are a nation of immigrants.
This 10-minute film from 1946 - made for instruction - plays surprisingly well in 21st century America.
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The Trail of Tears - Part Two
Forced Removal of the Cherokee Nation
Cherokee culture thrived for thousands of years in the southeastern United States before European contact.
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The Trail of Tears - Part One
Forced Removal of the Cherokee Nation from their Homeland
The caravan was ready to move out. One witness reported that "there was a silence and stillness of the voice that betrayed the sadness of the heart."
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Debate over Race Relations
Resolved: Asheville has disenfranchised its African-American population
On November 13, 2015 the Wilma Dykeman Legacy and the Asheville High / SILSA Speech and Debate Team sponsored a debate between community leaders.
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Fellowship for Black Women Writers
Deadline to apply is January 6, 2023
Participants will receive a ten-day residency, a $1,000 stipend, and transportation to and from Asheville, NC.
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On Womaning by Meta Commerse
by Meta Commerse
The phrase “writing out of pain” conjures something very basic for me. What I mean is the tradition of African Americans who knew that their pain was
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Escape to Freedom
Narrative of the Life of J.D. Green, A Runaway Slave From Kentucky
During the 1830’s and 1840’s, Mr. Green made multiple attempts to escape slavery. In the following excerpt from his Narrative of the life of…