Teacher testimonials
- "I loved the instruction and the guest speakers."
- "I loved eating family style. I think that was my favorite part, but I also loved the Hot Springs Spa Tour/Tub."
- "Keep doing what you're doing!"
- "Everything was done so well and delivered with such a gracious spirit."
- "This week has been a GREAT opportunity to connect with other passionate teachers and look into new ideas and plans, but also the quiet space for reflection and renewal was important."
- "Thank you all for everything you did this week. It was absolutely amazing."

Hot Spring Teacher Institute 2025
July 13-18, 2025
Hot Springs was hit hard by Hurricae Helene, but will be open for business by July. The theme of HSTI 2025 will be Healing & Community. Look for registration to open in early 2025 !
Articles & Resources
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Social Justice

A Day Of Listening
How can active listening be used to heal and improve our community?
Charles Fischer - High School English - Charlottesville VA
Social Justice

Building Community Brick by Brick
Can building a wall create a more inclusive community of both "insiders" and "outsiders?"
Rachel Reaves - Erwin Middle School - Asheville NC
Written & Spoken Word

Changing the World One Poem at a Time!
How can we promote social justice through poetry?
Aeryalle Coward - Pamlico County High School - Bayboro NC
Environmental Integrity

The Dark Night
Harm Caused by Light Pollution
How light pollution in the night sky impacts the economic and physical health of the residents of Yancey county, NC.
Environmental Integrity

Guardians of the Soil
Making a Healthy Place for Groot’s Roots
How does the health of the soil in our campus garden affect how well our plants grow?
Environmental Integrity

Reclaim Our Nature Trail
Rich Bowerman • 6th Grade Science • Apple Valley Middle School • Hendersonville, NC
What are the best management practices to remove invasive plants from our natural area? What can a school’s natural area include?