The Power of the Written and Spoken Word

From her childhood home in a mountain cove just north of Asheville, North Carolina, Wilma connected to the world through books and reading aloud with her parents.  She grew into an excellent writer and world-class speaker, using both modes to strengthen and broadcast her messages. We honor writing and speaking to clarify and promote social and environmental justice.
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The Power of the Written and Spoken Word

Wilma Dykeman's great effectiveness as a communicator grew from her skills with both the written and spoken word. She became an excellent writer in multiple genres: memoir, histories, journalism, novels, essays.  She was also a world-class public speaker. Her training as an actress enabled a strong stage presence, while her passionate and articulate delivery followed naturally from her own creative messages.
Important aspects of the Written and Spoken Word:
  • What is your life story?
  • What stories do we need to hear?
  • What makes a good novel, and does it matter?
  • How can we truly understand the past?
  • Where is the poetry in our lives?
  • Is investigative reporting a dying art?
  • How do we grow compelling public speakers?
  • How can the pen best serve social and environmental justice?
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