The Power of the Written and Spoken Word
Wilma Dykeman's great effectiveness as a communicator grew from her skills with both the written and spoken word. She became an excellent writer in multiple genres: memoir, histories, journalism, novels, essays. She was also a world-class public speaker. Her training as an actress enabled a strong stage presence, while her passionate and articulate delivery followed naturally from her own creative messages.
Important aspects of the Written and Spoken Word:
- What is your life story?
- What stories do we need to hear?
- What makes a good novel, and does it matter?
- How can we truly understand the past?
- Where is the poetry in our lives?
- Is investigative reporting a dying art?
- How do we grow compelling public speakers?
- How can the pen best serve social and environmental justice?
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Written & Spoken Word

Wilma Dykeman's last days with her mother
Part One
"Are you Wilma? My little Wilma? Are you sure? Do you love me?" "Will I die tonight?"
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Crystal Cauley - Part Two
"Grounded - A Mother's Love"
"I consistently have curiosity about where on the beautiful African continent my ancestral roots reside."
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Crystal Cauley - Part One
"The Talking Walls"
"I heard a voice whisper 'look up' and the wall held this beautiful Ghanaian carving of a woman kneeling down with a child on her back."
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The Irreplaceable Gift 2
A lyrical, atmospheric new picture book celebrates author and environmentalist Wilma Dykeman.
“Wilma’s companions were flowering dogwoods, twinkling fireflies, tumbling streams. In nature, she was never alone.”
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Wilma Dykeman's Letters from Northwestern - May 20, 1939
May 20, 1939
"I'm happy tonight. When I think on how much there is to give and find from life, it simply sets me afire."
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Wilma Dykeman's Letters from Northwestern - May 12, 1939
May 12, 1939
"Something wonderful happened yesterday. I only wish you'd have been here to share my joy."
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Fred Chappell
"Fred Chappell: I Am One of You Forever"
A documentary film about the life of Fred Chappell (1936-2024), produced by UNC Greensboro Media Studies professor Michael Frierson
Written & Spoken Word

The Totality
Robert Nozick and Wilma Dykeman
"When we see and conceive of ourselves as a part of those ongoing processes, we identify with the totality..."
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Brothers and Sisters Like These - Part Three
A Creative Writing Program for Veterans
"What carries us all are the relationships we've been privileged to build with wounded veterans willing to write and share their remarkable stories."
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Brothers and Sisters Like These - Part Two
A Creative Writing Program for Veterans
"Each of them has found an ability to articulate memories, losses, and triumphs in their own unique voice."
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Brothers and Sisters Like These - Part One
A Creative Writing Program for Veterans
It didn't take Veterans Administration physician Bruce Kelly long to "realize how many veterans in my care were still carrying wounds from service."
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The Metamorphosis - Part Three
Franz Kafka
"'I will not utter my brother's name in front of this monster, and thus I say only that we must try to get rid of it.'"
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The Metamorphosis - Part Two
Franz Kafka
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The Metamorphosis - Part One
Franz Kafka
"One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug."
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Moby Dick - Chapter Four
Read by Rick Kisner
Upon waking next morning about daylight, I found Queequeg’s arm thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner.
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Alice in Wonderland - Chapter Four
The Rabbit Sends In a Little Bill
Alice is once again approached by the White Rabbit, but finds herself once again changed after having a drink.
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Wilma Dykeman's Letters from Northwestern - November 18, 1938
November 18, 1938
"I really feel quite adult in many of my ideas and beliefs. I truly feel I have a firmer basic moral and spiritual stronghold than any of the girls."
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John F Kennedy - Remarks at Amherst College honoring Robert Frost
Wealth Inequality and the Value of the Artist
"I see little of more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist."
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Wilma Dykeman's Letters from Northwestern - October 27, 1938
October 27, 1938
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Wilma Dykeman's Letters from Northwestern - Introduction
"I know that you're being taken good care of now, and if you will enjoy yourself, and not worry about filthy lucre, everything will be hunky dorey."
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Aeryalle Coward - Pamlico County High School - Bayboro NC
Written & Spoken Word

Moby Dick - Chapter Three
As read by Rick Kisner
"...and an exasperated whale proposing to spring clean over the craft as in the enormous act of impaling himself upon the three mastheads."
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My Story: Matthew Bacoate, Jr. as told by Becky Stone
Integrating the first privately owned commercial facility in Asheville, North Carolina
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Nella Larsen
An Introduction by Sharon Lynette Jones
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Jim Stokely on Wilma Dykeman's life and career - Part Two
As told by son Jim Stokely to Henry McCarthy on WEHC 90.7FM-WISE 90.5FM "The Voice of Southwest Virginia"
On July 24, 2019, at Wilma Dykeman's childhood home just north of Asheville, North Carolina, her son Jim Stokely discussed Wilma's life and career.
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Jim Stokely on Wilma Dykeman's life and career - Part One
As told by son Jim Stokely to Henry McCarthy on WEHC 90.7FM-WISE 90.5FM "The Voice of Southwest Virginia"
On July 24, 2019, at Wilma Dykeman's childhood home just north of Asheville, North Carolina, her son Jim Stokely discussed Wilma's life and career.
Written & Spoken Word

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by Wilma Dykeman
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Moby Dick - Chapter Two
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Moby Dick - Chapter One
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Zora Neale Hurston - Part One
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Alice in Wonderland - Chapter Three
A Caucus-race and a Long Tale
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John Burroughs: In Love with the Earth
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"I find something akin to poetry and religion in the shows of day and night, and in my excursions to fields and woods."
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Alice in Wonderland - Chapter Two
The Pool of Tears read by Lorraine Montgomery
"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice..."now I'm opening out like the largest telescope that ever was!"
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What Good are Novels?
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I go through alternating phases of preferring fiction to non-fiction and vice versa.
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Alice in Wonderland: Chapter One
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Writing Out of Pain: Forgetting the Former Things
Brain Injury's Invitation to Vulnerability and Faith
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One of the short stories in Winesburg, Ohio, by Sherwood Anderson
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