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Social Justice

My Story - Ashley McGhee Whittle - Part Four
Part Four
"Norfolk Southern is one of the few places here in the South that has unions. Just as soon as Daddy was eligible to join, he did."
Social Justice
Ashley McGhee Whittle: My Story - Part Two
Nancy Anderson Brigmon
"She had so many mouths she had to support that she stood down there and thought about throwing Peggy in the creek."
Environmental Integrity

As vast as climate change, as personal as a child with asthma
WE NEED YOUR INPUT (not your money)
"Tell us what Environmental Justice means to you."
Social Justice
Ashley McGhee Whittle - My Story: Part Three
Paul Brigmon as a Youth
And they went to every race they could get to in Asheville. Those were illegal races. That big long straightaway in front of where Sam's Club is now..
Social Justice

Ashley McGhee Whittle: My Story - Part One
The Black Andersons
M signified Mulatto. The word "mulatto," while never precise, most often connoted a White father and Black mother.
Written & Spoken Word

My Story: Matthew Bacoate, Jr. as told by Becky Stone
Integrating the first privately owned commercial facility in Asheville, North Carolina
"Everyone had to stay in their place. So that was the Asheville that Matthew Bacoate was born into in 1930."
Social Justice

Rob Thomas: My Story - Part Six
Part Six
What's next is still waiting to be defined. I want to find my own financial security, because honestly, I still feel like I'm in slavery.
Social Justice

Rob Thomas - My Story - Part Five
Part Five
When I got out at 31, April 28th, 2018, I came home with a plan this time. I was in Asheville, just out of prison.
Social Justice

Rob Thomas: My Story - Part Four
Part Four
From the time my parents lost their house in Shiloh, around the age of seven, until I got out of prison at the age of 31, those are all dark years.
Social Justice

Rob Thomas - My Story - Part Three
Part Three
I went to Asheville Middle from 6th to 8th grade. I was a quite, shy kid who had straight A's...Then I went to Asheville High, but I didn't graduate.
Social Justice

Rob Thomas: My Story - Part Two
Part Two
"So I looked around, I knew what was around me, and I saw that drug dealers had a lot of respect. They had what I felt like I wanted..."
Social Justice

Rob Thomas: My Story - Part One
Part One
"I was born May 25th, 1987, here in Asheville, North Carolina, I think at St. Joseph's Hospital. My parents were actual high school sweethearts..."
Social Justice

My Story - Mary Othella Burnette
Mary Othella Burnette
"I was born into a small, close-knit African American community of the Swannanoa Valley..."