2025 Call For Submissions
Exploring the Impacts of Hurricane Helene
This year, we encourage submissions that explore the impacts of Hurricane Helene, particularly through the lens of our core values of Social Justice, Environmental Integrity, and The Power of The Written Word.
- Social Justice: Addressing disparities and challenges faced by vulnerable communities.
- Environmental Integrity: Reflecting on the storm’s impact on the natural world and the importance of resilience.
- The Power of the Written and Spoken Word: Using storytelling to inspire, inform, and create awareness.
- Submissions, up to 500 words, can be fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry, or drama, and will be accepted on a continuous basis. Preference will be given to work that engages the core values, but all topics are welcome. Writers should have substantial ties to Asheville or Western North Carolina.
- Judges include the members of the Publishing Committee of the Wilma Dykeman Legacy's Board of Directors.
- Send submissions either electronically (Word format preferred) to jim@wilmadykemanlegacy.org or by mail to: Wilma Dykeman Legacy • 60 Shuford Road • Weaverville, NC 28787

Periodic winners will each receive a $200 honorarium and have their work published in The Urban News.
We look forward to amplifying voices that inspire and inform!